
August 1, 2023

What Are The Top Allergens In August Across The Country?

As we transition into the later part of summer, it's important to recognize that allergy season is far from over, especially in the month of August and throughout the fall season. While the summer grass pollen may be starting to die down, a new set of allergens emerges during this time, such as ragweed, pigweed, and sagebrush. In addition to the presence of these August and fall allergens, the anticipated increase in rainfall during this season can contribute to the thriving conditions for mold spores. The combination of moisture and humidity creates an environment where mold spores can flourish, posing additional challenges for allergy sufferers.

But you don't have to let fall allergies hinder your enjoyment of the season. Let’s talk more about what allergies you could be facing in August and what you can do to prevent and treat them.

August Allergies in the Northern United States 

As August approaches in the Northern United States, a new wave of allergies emerges. This time, it's the notorious ragweed and sagebrush that take the spotlight as the top allergens of the season. These pesky plants release an abundance of allergens, causing discomfort for many individuals. Symptoms like itchy eyes, sneezing, and congestion become common hurdles, hindering the enjoyment of the approaching fall season. Staying informed about pollen levels in your area is crucial. With our complimentary allergy calendar, you can effortlessly access the pollen forecast for each season, enabling you to plan your outdoor activities accordingly and take proactive steps to manage your allergies.

Top August allergens:


August Allergies in the Southern United States

As we transition into August, residents of the Southern United States, especially in states like Texas and Florida, need to brace themselves for a challenging allergy season. Ragweed, pigweed, oak, pine, and mold become the prominent culprits during this period. Notably, ragweed season tends to extend until around November in the South, requiring individuals to prepare for prolonged exposure. This fall be sure to proactive measures and seek appropriate remedies to alleviate the discomfort caused by these allergens.

Top August allergens:

August Allergens in the Eastern United States

As we enter the month of August, individuals in the Eastern United States should be prepared for a surge in allergens specific to this time of year. While the grass pollen levels gradually subside from the end of July to mid-August, it's important to prepare for the challenges posed by ragweed, Russian thistle, and goldenrod emerge as the allergens to be mindful of during this fall season. While the Eastern region experiences a decrease in winter allergens, it's essential to address these August allergens for optimal relief. 

Top August allergens:

August Allergies in the Western United States

Even the West isn’t safe from the fall season allergies. Similar to the rest of the U.S., expect ragweed, Russian thistle, pigweed, sagebrush and mold to take center stage as the primary allergens during the fall season. It's important to note that these allergens prevalent in the West, specifically in Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado will persist until late October due to temperate climates. These allergens pose significant challenges for allergy sufferers, causing symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, and congestion.

Top August allergens:


Top August Allergies Across the Country:


Ragweed is a notorious plant known for its potent allergenic pollen. It belongs to the Ambrosia genus and is commonly found in North America. Ragweed primarily grows in fields, along roadsides, and in disturbed areas, thriving in locations with plenty of sunlight and nutrient-rich soil. One of the reasons ragweed is such a significant allergy trigger is due to its incredible pollen production. A single ragweed plant can generate up to a billion pollen grains, and these lightweight grains are easily carried by the wind for long distances. The weather plays a crucial role in the growth and dispersal of ragweed pollen. Warm and dry conditions facilitate the release of pollen, while rain can temporarily alleviate pollen levels. The peak ragweed pollen months typically occur from late summer to early fall, with August, September, and sometimes October being the most challenging months for those with ragweed allergies.

@aspireallergy Welcome to ragweed season! 🫠 Kelly explains some of the ragweed symptoms and how long this ragweed season will last! Leave a comment below if you’re feeling it too! 👇🏽#allergy #treatment #allergicreaction #texasallergies ♬ original sound - AspireAllergy

Symptoms of ragweed allergies

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Worsening asthma 


Prevent Ragweed Allergy Symptoms

  • Monitor pollen levels: Stay informed about the local pollen levels, especially during ragweed season. Check pollen forecasts and limit outdoor activities on days when ragweed pollen counts are high.

  • Minimize exposure: Keep windows closed at home and in the car to prevent ragweed pollen from entering. Use air conditioning with HEPA filters to help trap allergens. When spending time outdoors, consider wearing a hat and sunglasses to shield your face from airborne pollen.

  • Come in for an allergy test: Getting an allergy test can help identify specific triggers like ragweed, enabling you to take targeted preventive measures. By knowing your allergies, you can proactively avoid exposure and manage symptoms, leading to a better quality of life during ragweed season.

Ragweed Allergy Treatments

If you're struggling with ragweed allergy symptoms, it's important to take proactive steps to prevent their worsening and find effective treatment options. One highly recommended approach is undergoing allergy shots, also known as immunotherapy. Allergy shots involve receiving regular injections of small amounts of ragweed allergens, gradually building up your body's tolerance over time. This treatment can provide long-term relief and significantly reduce the severity of ragweed allergy symptoms.

Another option to increase tolerance to ragweed pollen is through allergy drops. These drops work similarly to allergy shots but are administered under the tongue and can be conveniently used at home. They are a preferred choice for individuals with busy schedules, families, and children.

For those seeking a more expedited treatment option, our ExACT Immunoplasty may be ideal. This innovative treatment delivers the effectiveness of three years' worth of allergy shots in just three injections over an eight-week period. ExACT Immunoplasty offers a highly efficient solution for individuals tired of enduring constant sneezing and itchy eyes caused by ragweed allergies.


Pigweed, also known as Amaranthus, is a common weed species found in various regions around the world. It belongs to the Amaranthaceae family and encompasses several different species. Pigweed primarily grows in disturbed areas, vacant lots, gardens, and agricultural fields, thriving in areas with fertile soil and ample sunlight. When it comes to pollen production, pigweed is no exception. It produces a substantial amount of pollen, with a single plant capable of producing hundreds of thousands to millions of pollen grains. Similar to other plants, pigweed growth is influenced by weather conditions. It tends to flourish in warm and dry environments, making the fall months ideal for its growth and pollen release. The peak pigweed pollen months typically occur from July to September, with August being a particularly active period. Let’s look at some common pigweed allergy symptoms: 

Pigweed Allergy Symptoms

If you experience these symptoms, it could be due to a pigweed allergy. However, seasonal allergies often look the same, so it might be in your best interest to get an allergy test to know exactly what you're allergic to. 

  • Sneezing
  • Allergy headache
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Itchy nose or throat
  • Postnasal drip
  • Cough 

Pigweed Allergy Prevention

  • Identify and remove pigweed: Learn to identify pigweed plants and remove them from your immediate surroundings, such as your garden or yard, to minimize exposure to the allergen source.

  • Use protective clothing: When engaging in outdoor activities, wear long sleeves, pants, gloves, and a face mask to minimize direct contact with pigweed pollen or any potential skin irritants.

  • Keep indoor spaces clean: Regularly clean your living spaces to reduce indoor allergens and minimize the potential for pigweed pollen to enter your home. Dust surfaces, vacuum carpets and furniture using a HEPA filter, and consider using an air purifier to help remove allergens from the air.

Pigweed Allergy Treatments

Antihistamines can help alleviate the discomfort and manage the allergic response triggered by pigweed allergens. However, if your symptoms persist or become severe, it may be beneficial to explore long-term treatment options. Allergy drops, allergy shots (immunotherapy), or ExACT Immunoplasty are potential avenues to consider for addressing and potentially eliminating pigweed allergy symptoms. These treatments aim to desensitize the immune system and provide long-term relief from pigweed allergies. 


As the fall season approaches, it's time to be aware of mold allergies, caused by inhaling airborne mold spores. These sneaky spores can be present both indoors and outdoors, leading to a range of symptoms, varying in intensity. While indoor mold is a year-round concern, the transition to fall brings increased humidity levels, creating an inviting environment for mold growth and a potential surge in mold spores. Pay close attention to moisture-prone areas in your home, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. However, it's important to remember that mold can also be found outdoors. Keep an eye out for mold lurking in damp areas like decaying leaves, woodpiles, compost heaps, and even in soil and mulch. Embrace the upcoming fall season by being prepared and taking the necessary precautions to minimize exposure to mold allergens both inside and outside your home.

Mold Allergy Symptoms

Some common mold allergy symptoms you might experience look like:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Itchy nose or throat
  • Postnasal drip
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Skin rash or hives

Mold Allergy Prevention Tips

  • Maintain indoor humidity levels: Use a dehumidifier, particularly in areas prone to moisture like bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. This helps reduce the moisture content in the air, inhibiting the growth of mold spores. Make sure to keep your dehumidifier set to below 50%.
  • Repair any leaks or water damage: Prevent the onset of mold growth by cleaning and drying damp materials within 48 hours of getting wet significantly reduce the risk of mold development.
  • Watch for mold in decaying leaves and soil: Clean up and dispose of decaying leaves promptly, and take precautions when gardening or working with soil to minimize exposure to mold spores.

Mold Allergy Treatments

Fortunately, there are various treatment options available to alleviate mold allergies. While over-the-counter medications can offer temporary relief, long-term solutions tailored to address the root cause of your allergy are highly beneficial. Allergy shots, allergy drops, or our ExACT Immunoplasty treatment are effective choices that can desensitize your immune system to mold spores. By reducing your sensitivity and preventing future allergic reactions, these treatments provide lasting relief, improving your overall quality of life. Say goodbye to merely managing symptoms and embrace treatments that target the underlying cause of mold allergies.

How Aspire Allergy & Sinus Can Help Your Allergies in August

Are you tired of the persistent allergy symptoms that dampen your enjoyment of the fall season? At Aspire Allergy & Sinus, we specialize in providing comprehensive allergy diagnosis and treatment options to help you reclaim the joy of this beautiful season. Our team of experts is equipped with advanced diagnostic tools and cutting-edge treatments that have successfully helped numerous patients overcome their fall allergies. By identifying the specific triggers behind your symptoms, we can develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. Our mission is to empower you to take control of your allergies and experience the full beauty of the fall season. Don't let allergies hold you back any longer – book an appointment with Aspire Allergy & Sinus today and start embracing the wonders of autumn without the burden of allergies.

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