Allergies and Asthma

Allergies and asthma often occur independent of each other, but for many asthma sufferers, allergies can trigger some serious asthma symptoms. Both environmental and food allergies alike can cause asthma to worsen. This condition is called allergy-induced asthma, also known as allergic asthma.

What is allergy-induced asthma? 

Allergy-induced asthma is when asthmatic reactions are caused due to the body reacting to allergies. For many people these conditions are separate, but for the 1 in 13 people with asthma, this is a highly common occurrence.

For these people with allergy-induced asthma, they suffer from additional symptoms that don't usually occur from allergies like chest tightness, wheezing, and coughing at night or in the early morning.


How does an allergic reaction cause asthma symptoms?

Allergic reactions occur when our immune system mistakenly identify a harmless substance, like tree pollen, as a harmful substance. Our body responds by trying to protect us from these "invaders" and that's what causes normal allergy symptoms like congestion and itchy eyes. When the nasal passages get inflamed in the case of allergies, the airways start to swell and tighten for people who suffer from asthma.

Three steps to take to conquer asthma

Steps you can do to prevent asthma from affecting your health.
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Asthma Tip Sheet

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asthma strikes.

Who's at risk of allergy-induced asthma?

60 percent of people already diagnosed with asthma suffer from allergy-induced asthma. Also, people who have chronic allergy conditions like eczema or hay fever, are at risk for developing asthma which could be triggered by allergic reactions.

Is all asthma caused by allergies?

While allergy-induced asthma is quite common, asthma can still be triggers by other facts like exercise, non-allergen irritants, infections, and stress. Most asthma suffers have more than one kind of trigger.

Get allergy-induced asthma in check by limiting triggers and treating allergy symptoms

Understanding your triggers is important for every asthma sufferer and the same goes for those with allergy-induced asthma. The best way to find your triggers is by getting an allergy test that will show you all the things that can cause allergic reactions. You'll know what to avoid and which allergens are the most likely to trigger an asthmatic reaction.

Our tip sheet will give you a great guide on making the environment safer from allergens, but it can be hard to avoid all allergens. We strongly encourage all of our patients who suffer from allergy-induced asthma to build a resistance to their allergies by choosing the proper treatment.

Know the things that trigger your allergy and asthma symptoms and learn how to limit your exposure to them. Learn the signs that your asthma may be flaring up — and know what to do when it does!
