
September 5, 2023

What Are The Top Allergens In September Across The Country?

September brings a dynamic shift in weather, foliage, and even the allergens that fill our surroundings. In fact, about 75% of people who experience allergies in the spring, are also more likely to experience allergy symptoms from ragweed

In the following sections of this blog series, we'll delve deeper into the specifics of each region, offering insights into the top allergens, their triggers, and practical tips for alleviating discomfort. By the time you've finished reading, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to tackle September's allergens head-on, allowing you to embrace the beauty of the changing season without the allergies!

September Allergies in the Northern United States 

In the Northern Hemisphere, September marks the gradual shift from summer to fall. As the days become shorter and the temperature drops, a new set of allergens take center stage. Ragweed, notorious for its fine, airborne pollen, becomes a problem for many. Its pollen can travel vast distances, triggering allergic reactions in those even miles away from the source. Mold spores, too, find their ideal breeding ground in the damp and decaying vegetation of the season, making life particularly challenging for those sensitive to these microscopic spores. Staying informed about pollen levels in your area is crucial. With our complimentary allergy calendar, you can effortlessly access the pollen forecast for each season, enabling you to plan your outdoor activities accordingly and take proactive steps to manage your allergies.

Top September allergens:

  • Ragweed
  • Mold

September Allergies in the Southern United States

As the Southern United States bids farewell to the sweltering summer and ushers in the warm embrace of early fall and more notably, ragweed pollen. The warm and humid climate of the South provides an ideal breeding ground for ragweed, leading to heightened pollen production that can cause discomfort for many individuals. With the fall season bringing fluctuating temperatures and intermittent rain, ragweed pollen can become even more pervasive as it thrives in these conditions. As residents of the Southern United States revel in the cooler temperatures and changing fall foliage, they must also be prepared to navigate the challenges posed by ragweed season.

Top September allergens:

September Allergens in the Eastern United States

As September unfolds across the Eastern United States, the air carries a unique blend of allergens that can impact the well-being of many. The Eastern United States experiences a particularly heavy ragweed season, as the combination of warm temperatures, moderate rainfall, and rich soil create optimal conditions for ragweed pollen growth. Additionally, indoor allergens such as dust mites and mold spores might also pose a significant concern in the Eastern United States during September. The humidity levels that persist in the Eastern region can contribute to mold growth in damp areas, including basements and bathrooms. As these areas provide a haven for mold spores and can exacerbate allergic reactions.

Top September allergens:

  • Mold
  • Dust mites
  • Ragweed

September Allergies in the Western United States

Similar to the rest of the United States, ragweed is also heavily impacting the Western United States. Flourishing in the arid climate of the region, ragweed releases substantial amounts of pollen, aided by the breezes that sweep across the landscape. Despite the drier outdoor climate, the shift towards spending more time indoors as temperatures moderate may inadvertently lead to the accumulation of dust mites in our living spaces. These microscopic organisms thrive in bedding, upholstery, and carpets, and their prevalence can be increased during this seasonal transition. 

Top September allergens:


Top September Allergies Across the Country:



Ragweed, a notorious plant recognized for its highly allergenic pollen, belongs to the Ambrosia genus and is a common presence in North America. It thrives in fields, along roadsides, and in disturbed areas, favoring abundant sunlight and nutrient-rich soil. The significant impact of ragweed as an allergy inducer stems from its exceptional pollen production. A single ragweed plant can generate up to a billion pollen grains, which are effortlessly carried by the wind across vast distances. The prevailing weather conditions create a high influence over the growth and dispersion of ragweed pollen. The pinnacle of ragweed pollen activity typically spans from late summer to early fall, primarily affecting individuals during the months of August, September, and sometimes October. Below are some prevalent symptoms associated with ragweed allergies.

Symptoms of ragweed allergies:


How to prevent ragweed allergy symptoms and reduce allergy exposure:

  • Minimize Outdoor Exposure During Peak Pollen Hours: Ragweed pollen levels are often highest during the early morning hours and late afternoon. To reduce exposure, try to stay indoors during these times, especially if you are particularly sensitive to allergens.

  • Keep Indoor Spaces Clean and Pollen-Free: Make your living environment a haven from allergens by regularly cleaning and dusting your home. Keep windows closed to prevent pollen from entering, and consider using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters in your air conditioning system to trap pollen and other allergens.

  • Come in for an allergy test: Getting an allergy test can help identify specific triggers like ragweed, enabling you to take targeted preventive measures. By knowing your allergies, you can proactively avoid exposure and manage symptoms, leading to a better quality of life during ragweed season.

Ragweed allergy treatments:

Allergy Drops for Ragweed Allergies

For individuals struggling with ragweed allergies, our allergy drops offer a tailored and effective solution. Ragweed pollen can trigger discomfort during the late summer and early fall months, making targeted treatment crucial. Our allergy drops, administered under the tongue, introduce controlled amounts of allergens to gradually desensitize your immune system. Over time, this can lead to reduced symptoms and a higher tolerance to ragweed pollen. At Aspire Allergy & Sinus, our medical experts will craft a personalized plan, ensuring that the allergy drops are precisely designed to address your ragweed sensitivities and provide lasting relief.

Allergy Shots for Ragweed Allergies

Ragweed allergies can significantly impact your well-being, particularly during peak pollen seasons. Allergy shots are a great solution that can be used to treat your ragweed allergies. By delivering carefully measured doses of ragweed allergens under the skin, allergy shots train your immune system to build resilience against ragweed pollen. This treatment is particularly valuable for individuals with severe ragweed allergies, as it addresses the root cause and reduces the severity of allergic reactions.

ExACT Immunoplasty for Ragweed Allergies

At Aspire Allergy & Sinus, we offer the innovative ExACT Immunoplasty as a new and effective solution for those burdened by ragweed allergies. This advanced procedure takes aim at the nerves responsible for allergic responses, including those triggered by ragweed pollen. ExACT Immunoplasty offers a treatment path to alleviate ragweed allergy symptoms without relying on medications. With ragweed pollen peaking during late summer and early fall, this procedure provides a timely and transformative approach to managing ragweed allergies. 

Dust Mites:

Dust mites, microscopic creatures that inhabit our living spaces, can often create big challenges for individuals with allergies, particularly as September arrives. As the transition from summer to fall encourages us to spend more time indoors, dust mites seize the opportunity to thrive in our homes. September's still-warm climate, combined with the indoor environments we create for comfort, contributes to the perfect habitat for dust mites to flourish. Dust mites predominantly inhabit areas where skin cells accumulate, making spaces like mattresses, pillows, upholstered furniture, and carpets their preferred dwelling places. Dust mites can pose a substantial risk to one's health, as their waste particles and dead skin contain proteins that, when inhaled, trigger allergic reactions. It's estimated that a typical mattress can contain tens of thousands of dust mites, showcasing the significant role they play in indoor allergies. Here are some of the most common dust mite allergy symptoms.

Dust Mite Allergy Symptoms:

If you experience these symptoms, it could be due to a dust mite allergy. However, seasonal allergies often look the same, so it might be in your best interest to get an allergy test to know exactly what you're allergic to. 

Dust Mite Allergy Prevention:

  • Use Allergen-Proof Bedding and Covers: Cover your mattresses, pillows, and even duvets with allergen-proof covers. These covers create a barrier that prevents dust mites from accumulating in bedding and coming into contact with your skin. This measure is particularly effective in reducing exposure during sleep, a time when dust mites can be inhaled or cause skin reactions.

  • Frequent Washing of Bedding: Wash your bedding, including sheets, pillowcases, and blankets, in hot water (above 130°F) regularly. High temperatures help kill dust mites and remove allergens from fabrics. Ensure your bedding is fully dried before making your bed to prevent mold growth.

  • Maintain a Low-Humidity Environment: Dust mites thrive in humid environments. Keeping indoor humidity levels below 50% can discourage their growth. Consider using dehumidifiers in areas like bedrooms and living areas where mattresses and couches are. 

Dust Mite Allergy Treatments:

Antihistamines can help alleviate the discomfort and manage the allergic response triggered by dust mites. However, if your symptoms persist or become severe, it may be beneficial to explore long-term treatment options. At Aspire Allergy & Sinus, we offer a comprehensive range of treatments to address dust mite allergies. Our options include personalized allergy drops, effective allergy shots, and innovative ExACT Immunoplasty, providing tailored solutions to alleviate the discomfort caused by dust mite sensitivities.


Mold on interior walls

As we welcome the fall season, it's crucial to remain mindful of mold allergies, triggered by inhaling tiny mold spores present in the air. Mold spores can make their presence felt both indoors and outdoors, resulting in a range of symptoms that can vary in severity. While indoor mold remains a year-round concern, the transition to fall brings about increased humidity levels, creating an inviting atmosphere for mold growth and potentially causing a surge in mold spores. It's important to keep an eye on areas in your home that are prone to moisture, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements. Additionally, it's worth noting that mold can also be found outside, lurking in places like decaying leaves, woodpiles, compost heaps, and even soil and mulch. Beyond the discomfort, mold allergies can pose health risks, especially for individuals with respiratory conditions. Embrace the forthcoming autumn by preparing yourself to minimize exposure to mold allergens, both within the cozy confines of your home and in the great outdoors.

Mold Allergy Symptoms:

Some common mold allergy symptoms you can experience might look like:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or congested nose
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Coughing
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Skin rashes or hives
  • Sinus headaches

Mold Allergy Prevention Tips:

  • Maintain Indoor Dryness: Keeping indoor spaces dry is a crucial step in preventing mold allergies. Humidity levels above 50% can foster mold growth. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas like bathrooms and basements to reduce moisture. Fix leaks promptly and ensure proper ventilation to deter mold from taking hold.

  • Regular Cleaning and Dusting: Regular cleaning practices can significantly discourage mold growth. Dust and vacuum your home frequently, using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter to trap mold spores. Wipe down surfaces prone to dampness, like window sills and bathroom tiles, with mold-inhibiting cleaners.

  • Monitor Outdoor Conditions: Mold can find its way indoors from the outdoors. During wet weather or after rainfall, keep windows closed to prevent excess moisture from seeping in. Be cautious of damp areas in and around your home, such as leaf piles, and take preventive measures to keep them dry and mold-free.

Mold Allergy Treatments:

At Aspire Allergy & Sinus, we extend a range of tailored treatments designed to combat mold allergies effectively. Our comprehensive offerings include allergy drops, allergy shots, and ExACT Immunoplasty. Our expert medical team customizes treatment plans, ensuring that you receive the most suitable approach to mitigate mold allergy symptoms, for a healthier and more comfortable life.

How Aspire Allergy & Sinus Can Help Your Allergies in September

Are you feeling bothered by allergies during the fall months? You can find help at Aspire Allergy & Sinus. We focus on addressing three common allergens in September – ragweed, mold, and dust mites – that can make this season less enjoyable. Our team of experts uses advanced tools and treatments to ease your fall allergy symptoms. By figuring out exactly what triggers your discomfort, we create a personalized plan that suits your needs. Our main goal is to give you control over your allergies, so you can fully enjoy the beauty of autumn. Don't let allergies hold you back any longer. Book an appointment with Aspire Allergy & Sinus today and start embracing the wonders of fall without the burden of allergies.

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