
October 27, 2022

What Are The Top Allergens In November Across The Country?

Can you believe it's already November? By the time you know it, Christmas and the New Year will be here! The weather is getting noticeably chillier too, and that means that a short reprieve from seasonal allergies may be on the horizon! With a frost or two already in some parts of the country, it’s likely that many of you have already breathed a sigh of relief. But don’t throw caution out the window yet. Due to the colder temperatures, more people are spending their days inside, putting them more at risk to face indoor allergies! Let’s talk about some ways that you can fight seasonal and indoor allergens that typically show up in November, and treat them before they begin.

November Allergies in the Northern United States

Brr..it’s cold out there! You can now breathe easy knowing that your outdoor allergy season is over! But that doesn't necessarily bring an end to indoor allergies. Especially for states up North, where they’re no stranger to the cold or snow, you’ll be spending a lot of time inside, hopefully cozied up by the fire. But as you spend this month mainly indoors, remember that things like mold, pet dander, and dust can still wreck havoc on your allergy symptoms.


Top Allergens:


November Allergies in the Southern United States

Allergies in the South never quite end which can make for a miserable year-round allergy season. Like many states in the South, the warm and temperate weather allows trees and plants to grow and pollinate throughout the year. Especially in Florida, where it’s sunny all the time! If you have a grass or weed allergy, the soon coming winter should help the weeds and plant pollen counts to slightly decrease, but watch out for the upcoming cedar tree pollen season (also called Juniper) which tends to hit the southern states like Texas pretty hard. 


Top Allergens:


November Allergies in the Western United States

Winter is practically here! But not just yet. We’re still catching the tail end of the weed season, seeing counts of ragweed and russian thistle in dry climate areas like New Mexico and Arizona. These states can have long growing seasons, so don’t be surprised if you’re still reacting to leftover weeds blowing through the air. Be aware of the indoor allergens like mold, pet dander and dust that can really kick up during this time too.


Top Allergens:

November Allergies in the Eastern United States

Enjoy the nice winter break while it lasts in the East! Outdoor allergens are slowly but surely decreasing. The worst of it has passed. It’s now time to enjoy the warm and cozy indoors as the first frosts begin to hit the Eastern United States. Be wary of indoor allergens like pet dander, dust, and mold, when spending more time indoors, or turning on your heat for the first time all year. Oh yeah, and did you know that cockroaches are one of the most common allergens?!

Top Allergens:


Top Allergies in November Across The Country:


Mold is a type of fungi that can grow and spread quickly and easily. It can be found in your home in damp, humid areas such as garages, attics, and basements. Mold can sometimes be hard to spot, in fact,  you might not even know if it’s in your home. It can grow behind or hidden in the walls or insulation of your home. Mold can be extremely dangerous if you’re breathing it in, as the spores can irritate your lungs and cause allergy and asthma symptoms. 

Because mold can be found just about anywhere and it doesn’t take that much to create the conditions for mold to grow, it’s considered a perennial or year-round allergen. 

Symptoms of a mold allergy:

  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Sneezing
  • Sore or itchy throat
  • Itchy eyes 
  • Congestion

How to prevent mold allergy symptoms and reduce mold exposure:

  • Be sure to keep your home clean. Don’t leave any wet or damp boxes in your attic or garages, be sure to have clean areas in your home and consistently wipe down surfaces to deter mold growth.
  • Wear a mask. Mold can hide in areas like a pile of wet, damp leaves, so wear a mask when raking leaves outside or cleaning the gutters. 
  • Invest in an air humidifier. Keep indoor air humidity levels below 50% while indoors to discourage mold growth. 
  • Before you turn on your heater, change your air filters. Allergens like mold and dust get trapped in your air filters, make sure to change them before you turn your heater on so they don’t blow around. 

Mold allergy treatments:

By keeping things tidy around your home and installing an air humidifier, your mold exposure should decrease. But if you’re still feeling symptoms, it might be time to seek long-term relief treatments. Allergy shots (Immunotherapy) can help your body build a tolerance to the allergen by injecting small amounts of the allergen into your body. This is a safe and effective way to treat allergies! Similarly, allergy drops work in the same way, but allergy drops can be taken anywhere and at any time! Just three drops under the tongue and that’s it! Our newest ExACT Immunoplasty treatment is great for those who want a quick and effective treatment, over an eight week span, three shots are administered for long-term allergy relief! 




Dust is one of the most common allergens because it’s practically everywhere. One of the worst parts about the dust is that it mainly is at its worst when you’re trying to clean! Anytime you’re dusting, vacuuming, or just wiping things down, a million dust particles are getting kicked up into the air and into your lungs. Especially now that the holidays are coming up, lots of people are taking out their decorations that have been sitting collecting dust for a good portion of the year.  Also watch out for dust mites: dust mites are often found in your bedding - anywhere from your mattress to your pillows. 

Symptoms of dust allergies:

How to prevent dust allergy symptoms and reduce dust exposure:

  • Wear a mask when cleaning or putting up decorations. This will help the dust particles to not get into your lungs and prevent allergy symptoms. 
  • Wood flooring is actually better than carpets. While seeing the dust on your wood floors might be unsightly, imagine what is all hiding in your carpets. We know vacuums don’t pick up everything in carpets, and it's much easier to pick everything up off of the bare floor. 
  • Use mite proof bedding. This can be pillowcases or a mattress protector, it’s best to have both. Also wash your bedding in hot, soapy water frequently to deter dust mites. 

Dust allergy treatments:

If you think you’re suffering from a dust allergy but not quite sure, come in for an allergy test. Dust allergies can be hard to diagnose because it’s in the home typically, meaning it could be dust, pet hair, or even mold that’s causing your allergies to act up. By taking an allergy test you can narrow down and pinpoint your specific allergens and begin to treat and prevent those. 

If you decide you have a dust allergy, allergy shots or allergy drops are great ways to begin a long-term relief treatment. They both work by slowly introducing the body to the allergen and increase the tolerance to the allergen. Allergy shots are administered in the clinic meanwhile allergy drops are meant to be taken on the go, as you just put 3 drops under your tongue a day! Our ExACT treatment is also great at treating allergies quickly and effectively. Over the course of eight weeks, just three shots are administered and are clinically proven to have the same effectiveness as 3 years worth of allergy shots! 


Juniper (Cedar):

While this might only impact the southern states, including Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, cedar fever is a real issue for patients once the fall and winter begins. These small and lightweight grains of pollen can cause major reactions for patients who are allergic. Sometimes the trees might even look dead, but can still be causing problems for your allergies. 

Cedar Allergy Symptoms:

While the term cedar fever is popular, it doesn’t actually mean that someone is experiencing a fever due to a cedar allergy. If you’re experiencing a fever that is a symptom of the common cold or flu. If you’re unsure if it’s allergies or a cold, take our quiz to find out! 

Cedar allergy prevention:

  • Shower after coming inside. Cedar pollen blows through the air and can stick on your clothes and hair, so be sure to shower immediately and put your clothes in the laundry.
  • Invest in a HEPA air filter. This will help eliminate pollen inside your home. 
  • Use a nasal rinse. If you’re congested till no end, do a sinus rinse to clear out your nose of pollen and other congestion. 

Cedar allergy treatments:

Cedar is considered a severe allergy. If you have a cedar allergy you know how bad the symptoms can be, impacting your ability to do things like go to work, school or any other activity without feeling awful. Long-term treatment is the best option for those with a cedar allergy. This can be through allergy shots, allergy drops or ExACT Immunoplasty! These three effective treatments are made to get you back to your life and feeling better, without the side effects like over-the-counter medicines. Find the right treatment for you today! 

How Aspire Allergy & Sinus Can Help Your November Allergies

While now is the time where most of the country is taking a well-deserved break from outdoor allergies. This means it’s the perfect time to begin an allergy treatment! Start now, while you’re not suffering, that way when the spring pollen comes, your body will have already begun to build a tolerance. Come and see us today and let us help you get started on the right treatment!

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