
May 1, 2023

What Are The Top Allergens In May Across The Country?

May can be a challenging month for those who suffer from allergies. May is often known as an overlap month where two or more severe allergens are pollinating at once, like weeds and grasses. For some areas in the US this overlap of allergy seasons can make it extremely difficult to cope with your allergy symptoms. It’s time to start keeping a weekly watch on the pollen levels in your area. 

Let’s talk more about what allergies you could be facing in May and what you can do to prevent and treat them.

May Allergies in the Northern United States 

Summer is so close! Which means a new allergy season is about to begin. For areas in the Northern United States, as the weather continues to warm up, we’re expecting to see high counts of weeds and grasses. Summer weeds such as ragweed and sagebrush can wreak havoc on your allergies especially inw weeds that tend to pollinate heavily. 

Top May allergens:

  • Ragweed 
  • Sagebrush
  • Elm


May Allergies in the Southern United States

The recent rise in temperatures across the south has added to the high pollen counts in the south. Especially in states like Texas and Florida, we’re continuing to experience record-breaking high temperatures this year making for a longer, more potent allergy season. As we move into our summer allergy season, we’re seeing grass pollen counts rising, and will likely hit its peak season around July, so it's best to start preparing for this long allergy season now! 

Top May allergens:

May Allergens in the Eastern United States

Similar to the rest of the country, we’re seeing the same primary culprits of grasses including timothy, rye grass, and bermuda. But don’t think you're out of the woods yet for those tree allergies. We’re continuing to still see oak and elm pollen floating around and feeling its effects. 

Top May allergens:

May Allergies in the Western United States

In states like New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado we’re seeing a combination of two severely allergenic pollen, ragweed and bermuda grass. With both of these allergens in the air, it can be hard to even try to escape the feelings of post-nasal drip and coughing. As we continue through May, these pollen counts will only continue to rise, making for a long, painful allergy season. See our tips below to start preventing your allergies now! 

Top May allergens:

  • Ragweed
  • Bermuda
  • Timothy


Top Allergies in May Across the Country:

Bermuda Grass: 

Bermuda grass allergy is a common type of grass allergy caused by an invasive species of grass called Bermuda grass. Bermuda grass allergies are common in many parts of the United States, including the eastern and southern regions, and their pollen can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Bermuda grass is often used in warmer climates, as a lawn, pasture grass, and golf greens. 

Symptoms of Bermuda grass allergies:

  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Coughing
  • Congestion
  • Allergy headaches
  • Sore throat
  • Constant sneezing or wheezing


How to prevent Bermuda grass allergy symptoms and reduce allergy exposure:

  • Wear protective gear when cutting grass. Using a mask and sunglasses while mowing your lawn can help decrease your inhalation with grass.
  • Keep the lawn short. When grasses reach a certain length, that’s when they begin to pollinate, but by keeping grass a low, short length it can help decrease the amount of pollination.

  • After spending time outside. It's important to rinse off by showering and changing clothes to remove pollen from your skin and hair.


Bermuda grass allergy treatments:

To prevent severe symptoms from developing over time, it's important to take action against your grass allergy. Allergy shots are a highly effective method of treatment, gradually increasing your body's tolerance to allergens over time by administering small doses at regular intervals (usually every two weeks).

Allergy drops are another option for gradually increasing your body's tolerance to grass pollen. They work in the same way as allergy shots but are portable, painless, and a favorite among busy families and kids.

If you're tired of suffering from the harsh symptoms of Bermuda grass pollen, consider the ExACT Immunoplasty treatment. This treatment is just as effective as three years' worth of allergy shots but requires only three injections over eight weeks.

Timothy Grass

Grasses can be very difficult to avoid because out of the hundreds of types of grass, it's extremely common to be allergic to multiple types. Grass allergies are wind-pollinated meaning they can travel miles, creating a significant impact on sensitive allergy sufferers. Typically used as food for animals such as horses, sheep, guinea pigs, and rabbits It’s most common around roadsides, parks, and fields or meadows. Timothy grass is also one the leading causes of seasonal allergies. It can be hard to know when different types of grasses begin pollinating due to different weather climates across the country. That’s why we created our free allergy calendar: so you can quickly find out what allergens will affect each season in your area. Check out our free allergy calendar today and start living confidently!

Timothy Grass Allergy Symptoms:

If you experience these symptoms, it could be due to a timothy grass allergy. However, seasonal allergies often look the same, so it might be in your best interest to get an allergy test to know exactly what you're allergic to. 

Timothy Grass Allergy Prevention:

  • Wash your clothes immediately after coming inside. Timothy grass pollen can stick to any surface. If you’ve been outdoors, especially on a windy day, there’s a good chance you have pollen stuck to your clothes.

  • Consider artificial grass. If your grass allergy symptoms are especially bad, it might be worth considering switching to an artificial grass or alternative grass option such as gravel.

  • Check your local pollen count. This is especially important when dealing with a grass allergy because you can avoid cutting grass, or laying in grass on high pollen count days.

Timothy Grass Allergy Treatments:

If you experience symptoms such as rashes, hives, or difficulty breathing due to allergies, consider taking an antihistamine to alleviate the symptoms.

For individuals seeking long-term allergy relief, immunotherapy, also known as allergy shots, is a highly effective option. Allergy shots are administered by an allergist in a clinic, with regular injections given until the body can tolerate the allergen without an allergic reaction. The ultimate goal is complete tolerance.

Allergy drops are another treatment option that gradually expose the body to an allergen under the tongue, similar to allergy shots. This treatment is ideal for individuals who prefer a more convenient way to manage their allergies, without the need for frequent office visits.

The ExACT Immunoplasty treatment is an alternative to traditional allergy shots, requiring only three shots over eight weeks. Studies have demonstrated that the effectiveness of ExACT treatments is comparable to three years' worth of conventional allergy shots, making it a convenient and highly effective option.


Ragweed is a weed that grows throughout the United States, particularly in the Eastern and Midwestern states. Each plant lives only one season, but that one plant can produce up to one billion pollen grains! Ragweed is considered to be a severe allergy due to how much pollen it can produce and how far it can travel. Ragweed is a weed commonly found in cultivated areas, roadsides, and landscapes. It is a summer annual weed that emerges early in the spring, but in different climates can begin pollinating in the fall. 

Ragweed Allergy Symptoms:

Some common ragweed allergy symptoms you might experience can look like:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Scratchy or sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Wheezing

Ragweed Allergy Prevention Tips:

  • Use allergy-friendly products. To minimize allergy triggers, opt for allergy-friendly products like hypoallergenic bedding. Wash bedding frequently in hot water to remove allergens.

  • Keep your surroundings clean and dust-free by cleaning your home and workplace frequently, and use a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to eliminate dust, pollen, and other allergens from carpets and floors.

  • Keep pets out of the bedroom. It's best to keep pets out of the bedroom to minimize exposure to pollen that they may bring in from outside. This practice can help you achieve a better and undisrupted sleep.

Ragweed Allergy Treatments:

Fortunately, there are treatments available for ragweed allergies. If you're seeking long-term solutions, options like allergy shots, allergy drops, or our ExACT Immunoplasty treatment can address the underlying cause of your allergy, rather than merely alleviate the symptoms.

How Aspire Allergy & Sinus Can Help Your May Allergies

If you're tired of struggling with allergy symptoms like itching, sneezing, and headaches, it's time to take control of your health. At Aspire Allergy & Sinus, we offer comprehensive allergy diagnosis and allergy treatments that work around the clock to keep your symptoms at bay. Whether you're dealing with seasonal allergies or year-round discomfort, our team can help you find relief and improve your quality of life. Book an appointment today and say goodbye to allergies for good! 

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