New treatment could make your allergy symptoms gone for good

Allergy experts say nearly 50 million people in the United States have bad allergies, but only one and a half percent of them are getting the treatment they need, and this is the time of year where we start feeling it more than ever.

There’s a brand-new treatment here in San Antonio that's offering almost instant relief.

It’s as easy as three injections in a new method that can make your sniffles and sneezes gone for good.

It costs the same as drops that take years to work, and San Antonio is one of the only places you can get it.

Doctor Christopher Thompson with Aspire Allergy and Sinus pioneered the process being used that started with a study and could be complete game changer.

"Compared to the length of treatment that is traditional this really is a magic bullet." Thompson said.

A new type of treatment changing the way people avoid allergies.

"Targeting a lymph node in the upper thigh region with an ultrasound," said Thompson. “The ultra sound has a kind of targeting mechanism so we can pass the needle directly into the lymph node and deliver the allergy serum."

A revolutionary way to treat your symptoms, permanent relief in months instead of years.

And doctors at Aspire Allergy and Sinus say the treatment has only been in the U.S. for a short time.

"Instead of going through the skin or the mouth, we're going right into the lymph node which is where everything happens, that's where your immune system kind of turns off reactivity to cedar or oak." Thompson said.

Hundreds of injections administered to people like John Burnam.

"I take eyedrops multiple times a day, I'm probably breaking all the rules when it comes to taking medicine." Burnam said.

Allergies were making him miss out on life, including time with his children.

"Most days minimum of 2-3 baths a day where I've gotta shower to get Cedar off me, my eyes are swollen shut are entirely red." Burnam said.

He just got his second of three injections in an almost painless procedure and said its something he recommends to others.

"Definitely i think if you are busy if you travel a lot if you need immediate relief for the upcoming season it is definitely a good idea."

Like other treatments doctors will keep you around for an hour or so after the procedure just to make sure there aren't any negative reactions.

The doctors told me aside from some soreness in only one or two patients, everything has worked well so far.

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