
March 1, 2023

What Are The Top Allergens In March Across The Country?

March is here! The long-awaited spring is here, and we’re ready for some warmer temperatures after that chilly, long winter! As the temperatures begin to rise, we’re seeing nature begin to bloom! While it’s beautiful, this usually means we’re going to see an increase in pollen counts, so if you don’t want to be sneezing and coughing all spring, read on for tips for each of the troublesome spring allergens.


March Allergies in the Northern United States

As the seasons go by, so do our allergies. We’re finally starting to see the beginning of spring in the north after a very long winter. March is typically the starting point for the longest allergy season for states in the north. We’re still seeing high counts of juniper this season as well, so if you’re feeling bad, that may still be the cause.

Top March allergens:


March Allergies in the Southern United States

Spring has sprung, and for allergy sufferers across the north, that means it’s time to brace yourself for a long season of misery. While we might all be grateful for temperatures to be rising again, we’re already noticing higher tree pollen counts across the South. For those states in the country experiencing a heavy tree pollination season, that is not only driving pollen counts higher but prolonging allergy seasons. While most of the allergy-producing trees are the same across the South, in Florida we see trees like river birch, bayberry, elm, oak, and maple stirring up allergies.

Top March allergens:

March Allergies in the Eastern United States

Sadly, no one can escape the tree allergy season in the east. Because so many different types of trees release pollen at different times, it can make for a difficult season for you and your family—especially if your home is near a heavily populated area with numerous flowering trees. Some of the primary offenders we see in the East include oak, hickory, walnut, cedar, ash, and willow. Luckily, keeping a clean house and a few other key prevention tips can help decrease allergies in the home this spring.

Top March allergens:

March Allergies in the Western United States

The western United States is full of springtime surprises. We're seeing a lot of new plant growth in those desert climates because of the delicate balance of blazing heat during the day and freezing temperatures at night. It is safe to say that spring is alive and well in the West. States like Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico have a heavy tree pollination season that tends to run long throughout the spring and early summer, causing allergy sufferers to stay miserable for a long time.

Top March allergens:

Top March Allergies Across the Country:


Oak trees are big, bright, and beautiful trees, but they come with a price. During the spring season, thousands of pollen grains are released, causing allergy sufferers across the country to suffer.

Oak trees are found in every state except Alaska and Hawaii. Due to the sheer volume of oak trees across the country, oak has become a severe allergen. Once the temperatures rise, all of the oak trees pollinate at once. This means thousands of grains of pollen are being released into the air at the same time, along with pollen from other trees like elm, ash, and cottonwood. Chances are, if you feel any of these symptoms below during the month of March, you’re probably allergic to oak. However, since there are so many trees pollinating at this time of year, it could be one of those as well. Getting an allergy test will help narrow down exactly what trees you’re allergic to, so when spring comes around, you’ll know which ones to avoid! 

Symptoms of oak allergies:


How to prevent oak allergy symptoms and reduce oak exposure:

  • Shower immediately after coming in from outside. Oak pollen can get stuck on your clothing and hair so be sure to rinse off to not bring any pollen in.
  • Be sure to keep doors and windows closed. Even a small breeze can bring in a large amount of pollen.
  • Use a HEPA filter in your home to reduce pollen in the air. HEPA filters are the best at removing pollutants like pollen from the air in your home. They’re especially effective in your bedroom, sometimes resulting in a better night's sleep. 


Oak allergy treatments:

It's good to get ahead of your oak allergy because of how severe the symptoms can get. Allergy shots (immunotherapy) are a great way to begin treating an oak allergen. These are consistent shots given in the office either weekly or biweekly. These shots work to slowly build up the body's tolerance to the allergen. Allergy drops work in the same way, building your body's tolerance, but they're just 3 drops under the tongue, meaning they can be taken anywhere! If you're sick of suffering from the harsh oak symptoms, our ExACT treatment is the quickest; with just three shots over the course of eight weeks, it's clinically proven to be just as effective as three years of allergy shots!



Cottonwood trees are large trees known for providing ample shade, they’re related to aspen and poplar trees. They get their name due to the cotton-like seeds they produce. These seeds are released into the air during Cottonwood's pollinating season. On especially windy days, their cotton-like fluff can be easily separated from the seeds and travel even further across the land. Cottonwood trees can be found in every state except Hawaii; specifically, they’re found in backyards, parks, and near rivers and lakes. The best way to know if you are truly allergic is to see an allergist who can perform tests on your specific symptoms and determine what you're reacting to.

Cottonwood allergy symptoms:


How to prevent cottonwood symptoms:

  • Check your local pollen count daily. With this upcoming tree season, pollen counts are expected to skyrocket within the next couple of weeks. If you know you’re allergic to cottonwood, try to avoid outdoor activities.
  • Take off your shoes before coming inside. Cottonwood's tiny seeds can stick to anything and everything, including the bottom of your shoes. Don’t bring this into your home and make your home a place of misery too! Keep your shoes outside.
  • Vacuum frequently. There’s a good chance you might bring pollen inside the home, this is almost unavoidable, but by cleaning weekly, you can keep pollen to a minimum.

Cottonwood treatments:

If you’re looking for long-term allergy relief, immunotherapy (allergy shots) is a great way to go! Allergy shots are administered by an allergist. You receive injections every week until your immune system is able to tolerate the allergen without having an allergic reaction. The goal is to reduce or eliminate allergic reactions altogether! Allergy drops work in a similar way, slowly introducing the allergen to the body through drops that go under your tongue. This treatment is great for those who want an easy way to manage their allergies but don't have time for frequent office visits. Our ExACT treatment is a convenient alternative to allergy shots that requires just 3 shots over the span of 8 weeks! This treatment has been clinically proven to be just as effective as three years of allergy shots!


Elm trees are another large tree that is popular in the United States due to the shade they provide. There are around 35 different species of elm trees, so the chances of elm being near you are fairly high. Elm trees typically pollinate between February and March, so hopefully, as we enter this last month of their pollination season, it continues to die down. 

Elm Allergy Symptoms:

If you experience these symptoms, it could be due to an elm allergy. However, seasonal allergies often look the same, so it might be in your best interest to get an allergy test to know exactly what you're allergic to.

Elm Allergy Prevention:

  • Wash your clothes immediately after coming inside. Elm pollen can stick to any surface. If you’ve been outdoors, especially on a windy day, there’s a good chance you have pollen stuck to your clothes.
  • Keep your windows closed. It’s better to run the air conditioning instead of opening windows during allergy season. This goes for your car as well.
  • Wipe pets paws. Your dog can bring in unwanted pollen from outside that clings to their fur and paws.

Elm Allergy Treatments:

  • If you’re looking for long-term allergy relief, immunotherapy—also known as allergy shots—is a great way to go. Allergy shots are administered by an allergist in the clinic. You receive injections every week or biweekly until your body is able to tolerate the allergen without an allergic reaction. The goal is complete tolerance!
  • Allergy drops work like allergy shots, gradually exposing the body to an allergen under the tongue. This treatment is great for those who want an easy way to manage their allergies but don't have time for frequent office visits.
  • Our ExACT Immunoplasty treatment is a convenient alternative to allergy shots. This revolutionary new treatment requires just three shots over the span of eight weeks! Studies have shown that our ExACT treatments' effectiveness is comparable to three years' worth of traditional allergy shots!

How Aspire Allergy & Sinus can help your March allergies

Allergies can be a pain, no matter where you live. You shouldn’t miss out on the beauty of spring just because you're suffering through endless sneezing fits, stuffy noses, and general misery. With treatment and preventative care, you can experience all of the outdoor fun without sacrificing your health and quality of life. Book an appointment today and see how you can treat your allergies.

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