
January 3, 2023

What Are The Top Allergens In January Across The Country?

It’s important to pay a little extra attention to your body during the winter months to help avoid some of the symptoms that come with the season. Winter can bring up all kinds of allergy issues, including sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes. Make sure you're aware of your area's seasonal allergies and take precautions to avoid them.

January Allergies in the Northern United States 

The north is preparing for the dead of winter to begin! Everything outside looks like a winter wonderland, and the cold weather has set in. Spending all your time indoors to avoid chilly temperatures and winds has never sounded better, right? Just be sure your home is prepared for indoor allergy season. Indoor allergies like mold, dust, and pet dander are typically at an all-time high during the winter months due to everyone spending the majority of their days indoors. Luckily, these allergens can be somewhat controlled, but not always. 

Top January Allergens:


January Allergies in the Southern United States

Winter is usually the time of year that people expect to find relief from their allergies. But for areas with temperate climates like Texas and Florida, winter can actually be one of the worst allergy seasons. Mountain Cedar pollen, sometimes referred to as juniper, is what makes the winter season so unbearable for allergy sufferers. On top of these environmental allergens, there are also indoor allergens to be wary of as well. Indoor allergens such as mold and dust are usually at their peak in the winter months due to people spending more time inside. 

Top January Allergens:

January Allergens in the Eastern United States

Due to the heavy frosts throughout most of the northeast, environmental allergens are at their lowest point in the year in the Eastern United States. We can’t say the same for indoor allergens, but you should definitely feel some relief from your outdoor allergens. Luckily, keeping a clean house and a few other key prevention tips can help decrease your indoor allergies greatly. 


Top January Allergens:

January Allergies in the Western United States

For some states in the West, like Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, their allergy season is starting up again for the year. Thanks to dry climates and long growing seasons, allergens like juniper are getting ready to start pollinating as early as January and lasting through the Spring. However, if you live further northwest, where you’re currently experiencing record-breaking cold weather, there will be a temporary pause in outdoor allergens, but don’t forget about indoor allergens like mold and dust that are lurking in your home. 

Top January Allergens:

  • Juniper
  • Dust
  • Mold

Top Allergies in The United States in January:

Mountain Cedar (Juniper):

Juniper trees are one of the most popular plants used in landscaping and gardens. Their berries are used for cooking and flavoring, but their pollen can also be a major problem for allergy sufferers. Most juniper trees grow in the western United States. They are extremely common and commonly seen in western landscapes and fields. Junipers can also grow in grasslands and deserts, as well as in the western pine and oak forest zones. 

Juniper trees can release grains of pollen that range in size from about 20 to 30 microns, which is small enough to become airborne, causing major issues for allergy sufferers miles away. These small grains of pollen can stick to anything, including your hair, clothing, bedding, and furniture, eventually finding their way into your lungs. While the pollen isn’t “harmful,” the sheer volume of pollen is what makes this a severe allergen. It can affect individuals that are far away from areas with a high concentration of juniper trees on windy days.

Why is juniper so bad? Juniper pollen is unique because it can cause allergic reactions in people with other environmental allergies. Sadly, this means that this might be the only time of year that you suffer from allergies, and if that’s the case, it typically means that you're very allergic to juniper. While Juniper grows primarily in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, the pollen can travel a long distance.

When you start feeling bad in the winter we can be quick to blame it on the weather or flu season, but in actuality, juniper allergies can make you feel just as bad too. 

What is Cedar Fever?

The term “cedar fever” is used a lot during this time of year and is sometimes confused with the symptoms of a cold due to the name. While fever is in the name, it is not an actual symptom of “cedar fever.” In fact, these symptoms are more similar to seasonal allergies or allergic rhinitis symptoms. Because cedar is a severe allergen, it has the tendency to affect people who don’t typically experience allergies. 

Symptoms of Cedar Fever can include:

  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Postnasal drip
  • Congestion
  • Coughing or wheezing
  • Sneezing


How to prevent juniper allergy symptoms and reduce juniper exposure:

  • Dust and vacuum your home regularly. This will help reduce the amount of pollen sitting in your home.

  • Be sure to keep doors and windows closed, as a small breeze can bring in a large amount of pollen.

  • Use a HEPA filter to reduce pollen in the air. All the dust floating around in the air of your home can really aggravate your lungs. Air purifiers will remove allergens from the air, providing you with better quality air.

Juniper allergy treatments:

It's good to get ahead of your juniper allergy because of how severe the symptoms can get. Allergy shots (immunotherapy) are a great way to begin treating a cedar allergen. These are consistent shots given in the office either weekly or biweekly. These shots work to slowly build up the body's tolerance to the allergen. Allergy drops work in the same way, building your body's tolerance, but they're just 3 drops under the tongue, meaning they can be taken anywhere! If you're sick of suffering from juniper symptoms, our ExACT treatment is the quickest; with just three shots over the course of eight weeks, it's clinically proven to be just as effective as three years of allergy shots!



Dust mites are one of the most common indoor allergens. Dust mites can be found in almost any home; they can be found on surfaces like bedding, carpets, and curtains. These tiny insects live on dead human skin cells and shed them into the air. While there might not be a way to get rid of all the dust that you encounter, whether that be in your home or elsewhere, there are ways to greatly decrease your interaction with dust. The best way to know if you are truly allergic is to see an allergist who can perform tests on your specific symptoms and determine what you're reacting to.

Dust symptoms:

  • Coughing or wheezing
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Shortness of breath

How to prevent dust allergy symptoms:

  • Clean your home weekly. This includes dusting and vacuuming to deter dust.

  • Use dust mite covers for your bedding and pillows. Dust mites are frequently discovered in mattresses and pillows. These covers will make it easy to throw into the wash and protect your bedding.

  • Try to avoid clutter. Take this time to deep clean your home and get rid of clutter that collects massive amounts of dust. 

Dust allergy treatments:

It can be difficult to pinpoint if you have a dust allergy or if it’s another indoor allergen like mold that is affecting you. That’s why it’s always good to get an allergy test to find out exactly what allergens are causing your symptoms. If you’re looking for long-term allergy relief, immunotherapy (allergy shots) is a great way to go! Allergy shots are administered by an allergist. You receive injections every week until your immune system is able to tolerate the allergen without having an allergic reaction. The goal is to reduce or eliminate allergic reactions altogether! Allergy drops work in a similar way, slowly introducing the allergen to the body through drops that go under your tongue. This treatment is great for those who want an easy way to manage their allergies but don't have time for frequent office visits. Our ExACT treatment is a convenient alternative to allergy shots that requires just 3 shots over the span of 8 weeks! This treatment has been clinically proven to be just as effective as three years of allergy shots!


The holidays are officially over. As we go to put up all of our decorations, we should be wary of the mold that could be hiding on our decorations. Be especially cautious with live Christmas decorations (trees or wreaths) that have been up for the past month harboring mold and dust. It is critical to take precautions when storing these items so that mold does not infiltrate your home. Mold can seriously affect your health, so be sure to take extra care when dealing with a mold allergy.

Mold Allergy Symptoms:

Some common allergy symptoms you might experience from mold are:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Itchy, watery eyes
  • Scratchy or sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Wheezing

Mold Allergy Prevention Tips:

If your allergies are getting worse due to your hidden mold here are some actions to take:

  • Use a dehumidifier. Regulate the humidity in your home, keeping it at 50% to discourage mold growth.

  • Switch your storage. If you noticed mold on your cardboard boxes while putting away your Christmas decorations, you might want to consider switching to plastic containers.

  • Patch leaks. Stagnant water can lead to mold growth. If you notice leaks under your sink, in your roof, or in the bathroom, you’ll want to patch and fix the leak.

Mold Allergy Treatments:

Luckily, mold allergies can be treated! If you’re looking for long-term treatment options, allergy shots, allergy drops, or even our ExACT Immunoplasty treatment will help treat the root cause of your mold allergy, not just mask the symptoms.

How Aspire Allergy & Sinus Can Help Your January Allergies

Allergies can be a pain, no matter where you live. You shouldn’t miss out on the joy of celebrating the holidays just because you're suffering through endless sneezing fits, stuffy noses, and general misery. With treatment and preventative care, you can have all your holiday fun without sacrificing your health and quality of life. Book an appointment today and see how you can treat your allergies.

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